love yourself quotes and sayings

Magic is believing yourself if you can do that, you can make anything happen
love yourself quotes and sayings
 You ,yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.
love yourself quotes and sayings
 Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything tha no longer serves you, grow you, or make you happy
love yourself quotes and sayings
 First love yourself others will come next
love yourself quotes and sayings
 Never lose yourself while trying to hold on to someone who do not care about losing you
love yourself quotes and sayings

quotes about love yourself

Love yourself belive in yourself...
Find the spirit within and your dreams will come true!
quotes about love yourself
 Dont forget to love yourself
quotes about love yourself
 In a world where you can be anything be yourself
quotes about love yourself
 Love your self before loving someone.
quotes about love yourself
 Love yourself,accept yourself, forgive yourself, & be good to yourself  because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things
quotes about love yourself

advices of love

There are 6 billion people in the world.6 billion fucking people of. those , there is at least one for you.
Maybe you will meet in a quaint, little coffee shop. or your favorite book matter what. there is someone out looking for you, just like you are looking for then.
advices of love 
 Be mibdful of what you throe awaw.
be carefull of what you push away.
and think hard before you walk away.
advices of love 
 Be that strong girls everyone knew would make it through the worse, be that fearless girl, the one who would dare to do anything. be that independent girl, who did not need a man; be that girl who never backed down.
advices of love 
 Dont Tell me LOVE is not worth it
advices of love 
 The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and he loved in return.
advices of love 

advice love quotes

If you love two people at the same time,
choose the second one.
Because if you really loved the first one,
you would not have fallen for the second.
~ Johnny Dep ~
advice love quotes 
 seeing people change is not what hurts.
what hurts is remembering who they used to be
advice love quotes 

To those who have given up on love,
I say, trust life a little bit.
advice love quotes 
|Keep holding on' I love you'
advice love quotes 
So here is a piece of advice:
Let go when you are hurting too much . give up when love is not enough
move on when things are not like before & its certain there is someone out there who will love you even more.
advice love quotes 

love advice sayings

some people come into our lives and quickly go while others stay and leave footprints in our hearts and we are never the same.
love advice sayings
 why be difficult when with just a little more effort you can be impossible ?
love advice sayings
  expect the best, be prepared for the worse,fuck what others think & do your own thing.
love advice sayings
 believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it. even if i have said it. unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense
love advice sayings
 Every thing is gonna be alright.
love advice sayings
 I m not even going to get mad anymore, i just have to learn to expect the lowest from people even the ones i thought the highest of.
love advice sayings

love advice and tips

The happiest people don't have the best of everything,they just make the best of everything. 
love advice and tips 
 Love is most week when there is more doubt than there is trust. But love is most strong when you learn to trust even with all the doubts.
love advice and tips 
  A girl does not need to tell you straight up how she feels, its written all over the way she behaves when you are around.
love advice and tips 
 Even if we never talk again after this day, please remember that i am forever changed by who you are and what you meant to me.
love advice and tips 
 I smile and act like nothing is wrong sometimes, it's called dealing with shit and staying strong.
love advice and tips 

love advice and quotes

True love is friendship set on fire.
 Its easy to believe someone of what s/he's telling you is exactly what you want to hear.
love advice and quotes
love advice and quotes 
  I have seen better days, but I've also seen worse. i don't have everything that i want,but i do have all i need. i woke up with some aches and pains but i woke up. my life may not be perfect but i am blessed.
love advice and quotes
love advice and quotes 
 Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect.
love advice and quotes
love advice and quotes 
 The best dreams happen when you are awake.
love advice and quotes
love advice and quotes 
  There is always someone who loves you more then you know. 
love advice and quotes
love advice and quotes 

quotes about love advice

Don't feel sad over someone who gave up on you. Feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who never would have given up on them.
quotes about love advice
quotes about love advice

 I think that the only reason why people hold onto memories so tight, for so long is because memories are the only things that don't change even when people do.
quotes about love advice
quotes about love advice
  A promise means everything, But once it is broken, Sorry means Nothing.
quotes about love advice
quotes about love advice
 some times when a girl acts like she's not interested in you, it might be that she's testing you to see how bad you really want her
quotes about love advice
quotes about love advice
 Being silent is a great way to let someone know they did something wrong.
quotes about love advice
quotes about love advice
 silence is a girls loudest cry you know she is really hurt when she starts ignoring you.
quotes about love advice
quotes about love advice

real relationship quotes and sayings

I stand in the breeze, the wind gushing through my hairs and just for a moment i feel free of you...
real relationship quotes and sayings
real relationship quotes and sayings
 however good or bad you feel about your relationship, the person you are with at this moment is the right person, because he or she is the mirror of who you are inside.
real relationship quotes and sayings
real relationship quotes and sayings
 when i am weak, its you that makes me strong.
real relationship quotes and sayings
real relationship quotes and sayings
 relationships never dies a natural death they are murdered by ego attitude and ignorance...
real relationship quotes and sayings
real relationship quotes and sayings
  i miss you a little, i guess you could say,alittle too much, a little too often, and a little more each day.
real relationship quotes and sayings
real relationship quotes and sayings

attitude quotes for boys

attitude quotes for boys
attitude quotes for boys 

attitude quotes for boys
attitude quotes for boys 

attitude quotes for boys
attitude quotes for boys 

attitude quotes for boys
attitude quotes for boys 

attitude quotes for boys
attitude quotes for boys